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There are 12 five-letter words containing RVE

ARVEEARVEE n. (short for) recreational vehicle (RV).
CARVEcarve v. (Archaic) To cut.
carve v. To cut meat in order to serve it.
carve v. To shape to sculptural effect; to produce (a work) by cutting, or to cut (a material) into a finished work.
CURVEcurve adj. (Obsolete) Bent without angles; crooked; curved.
curve n. A gentle bend, such as in a road.
curve n. A simple figure containing no straight portions and no angles; a curved line.
ERVENerven n. Plural of erf.
ERF n. (South African) in South Africa, a garden plot.
KERVEkerve v. Obsolete form of carve.
KERVE v. (Spenser) to carve.
LURVElurve n. (Informal) Love, fondness.
lurve v. (Informal) To love; to like a lot.
LURVE n. (slang) romantic love.
NERVEnerve n. A bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics.
nerve n. (Nonstandard, colloquial) A neuron.
nerve n. (Botany) A vein in a leaf; a grain in wood.
PARVEparve adj. Alternative spelling of pareve.
PARVE adj. (Yiddish) of food, containing neither dairy nor meat ingredients, also PAREV, PAREVE.
PERVEperve n. Alternative form of perv.
perve v. Alternative form of perv.
PERVE n. (short for) a pervert, also PERV, PERVO.
SERVEserve n. (Sports) An act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play in various games.
serve n. (Chiefly Australia) A portion of food or drink, a serving.
serve n. (Gay slang and AAVE) An impressive presentation (especially of a person’s appearance).
VARVEvarve n. (Geology) An annual layer of sediment or sedimentary rock.
VARVE n. a seasonal layer of sediment deposited in still water, used in establishing Ice Age chronology.
VERVEverve n. Enthusiasm, rapture, spirit, or vigour, especially of imagination such as that which animates an artist…
verve n. (Obsolete) A particular skill in writing.
VERVE n. the state of being lively, vivacity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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