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There are 8 five-letter words containing RUT

BRUTEbrute adj. Without reason or intelligence (of animals).
brute adj. Characteristic of unthinking animals; senseless, unreasoning (of humans).
brute adj. Unconnected with intelligence or thought; purely material, senseless.
BRUTSBRUT n. (French) a very dry champagne.
PRUTApruta n. Alternative spelling of prutah.
PRUTA n. (Hebrew) a monetary unit of Israel, also PRUTAH.
RUTHSruths n. Plural of ruth.
RUTH n. (archaic) compassion, pity, also REWTH.
RUTINrutin n. (Biochemistry) A flavonoid, found in many plants, that is a glycoside of quercetin and rutinose.
RUTIN n. a drug used against the fragility of small blood vessels.
RUTTYrutty adj. Imprinted with ruts.
rutty adj. (US, dated) In a rut (dull routine).
rutty adj. Related to a rut; being in a state of sexual arousal.
STRUTstrut v. (Intransitive) Of a peacock or other fowl: to stand or walk stiffly, with the tail erect and spread out.
strut v. (Intransitive, by extension, also figuratively) To walk haughtily or proudly with one’s head held high.
strut v. (Transitive, by extension) To walk across or on (a stage or other place) haughtily or proudly.
TRUTHtruth n. True facts, genuine depiction or statements of reality.
truth n. Conformity to fact or reality; correctness, accuracy.
truth n. The state or quality of being true to someone or something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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