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There are 12 five-letter words containing RUD

CRUDEcrude adj. In a natural, untreated state.
crude adj. Characterized by simplicity, especially something not carefully or expertly made.
crude adj. Lacking concealing elements.
CRUDOcrudo n. A dish made of raw fish or seafood.
CRUDO n. sliced, uncooked seafood often served with a sauce.
CRUDScruds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crud.
cruds n. Plural of crud.
CRUD v. to be blocked with filth.
CRUDYcrudy adj. (Obsolete) crude; raw.
CRUDY adj. (Shakespeare) crude, raw.
PRUDEprude n. A person who is or tries to be excessively proper, especially one who is easily offended by matters…
prude adj. Prudish.
Prude prop.n. A surname.
RUDASrudas adj. (Scotland, obsolete) bold; masculine; coarse.
RUDAS n. (Scots) a foulmouthed old woman.
RUDDSrudds n. Plural of rudd.
RUDD n. a freshwater fish.
RUDDYruddy adj. Reddish in color, especially of the face, fire, or sky.
ruddy adj. (Britain, Australia, slang, not comparable) A mild intensifier, expressing irritation.
ruddy adv. (Britain, slang) A mild intensifier, expressing irritation.
RUDERruder adj. Comparative form of rude: more rude.
RUDE adj. boorish.
RUDESRUDE n. a rude boy, also RUDESBY, RUDIE.
RUDIErudie n. (Jamaica, slang) A juvenile delinquent.
Rudie prop.n. A surname from German.
RUDIE n. (slang) a rude boy, also RUDE, RUDESBY.
RUDISRUDI n. (in Jamaica) a member of a group of lower- or working-class teenagers in the 1960s, noted for listening to ska music and for juvenile delinquency, also RUDY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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