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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing RTY

BORTYBORTY adj. relating to bort, diamond dust.
CERTYCERTY n. as in by my certy, Scots for assuredly, also CERTIE.
DIRTYdirty adj. Unclean; covered with or containing unpleasant substances such as dirt or grime.
dirty adj. That makes one unclean; corrupting, infecting.
dirty adj. Morally unclean; obscene or indecent, especially sexually.
DORTYdorty adj. (Geordie) Dirty; unclean.
DORTY adj. (Scots) pettish, sulky.
FORTYforty num. The cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine and before forty-one.
forty n. (Slang) A bottle of beer containing forty fluid ounces.
FORTY n. a number.
PARTYparty n. (Law) A person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action.
party n. A person.
party n. (Now rare in general sense) A group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.
PORTYporty adj. Resembling or characteristic of port wine.
PORTY adj. of the taste of port.
PURTYpurty adj. (Informal) Pronunciation spelling of pretty.
purty adv. Pronunciation spelling of pretty.
PURTY adj. (US dialect) pretty.
RORTYrorty adj. (Britain, informal) Boisterous, rowdy, saucy, dissipated, or risqué.
RORTY adj. (Australian slang) lively, enjoyable.
TARTYtarty adj. (Britain, slang) Like a tart (promiscuous woman); slutty, whorish.
TARTY adj. like a prostitute.
WARTYwarty adj. Having warts.
warty adj. Similar to a wart.
WARTY adj. covered with warts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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