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There are 5 five-letter words containing RTI

AARTIaarti n. (Hinduism) A particular Hindu prayer ritual, involving candles made from clarified butter.
AARTI n. (Hindi) an Indian ceremony in which candles dipped in ghee are lighted and offered to various deities, also ARTI.
ARTICartic n. (Informal) Abbreviation of articulated lorry; A semi-trailer truck.
artic n. (Informal) Abbreviation of articulated bus.
ARTIC n. (short for) an articulated lorry.
ARTISARTI n. (Hindi) an Indian ceremony in which candles dipped in ghee are lighted and offered to various deities, also AARTI.
MURTImurti n. (Hinduism) A sacred image of a deity.
MURTI n. (Sanskrit) an image of a deity which is itself considered divine once consecrated.
PARTIparti n. The basic, central, or main concept, drawing, or scheme of an architectural design.
parti n. (Dated) Someone (especially a man) who is considered to be a good choice for marriage, because of wealth, status etc.
PARTI n. (French) a group of people; a decision; a marriageable person considered as a match.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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