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There are 17 five-letter words containing RRA

ARRAHarrah interj. (Archaic, slang, chiefly in Ireland) An expletive.
ARRAH interj. (Irish) an Anglo-Irish exclamation expressing wonder etc.
ARRASarras n. A tapestry or wall hanging.
Arras prop.n. A city, the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department, Hauts-de-France, France, the historic centre of…
ARRAS n. a rich tapestry.
ARRAYarray n. Clothing and ornamentation.
array n. A collection laid out to be viewed in full.
array n. An orderly series, arrangement or sequence.
BARRAbarra n. (Geordie) A barrow; a hand-pushed cart of the type commonly used in markets.
barra n. (Australia) A barramundi.
Barra prop.n. An island in Outer Hebrides, Scotland.
DURRAdurra n. A kind of millet, a variety of sorghum; Indian millet (Sorghum bicolor).
HURRAhurra interj. Alternative form of hurrah.
hurra n. Alternative form of hurrah.
hurra v. Alternative form of hurrah.
MARRAmarra n. (West Cumbria, Geordie, Mackem, informal) A friend, pal, buddy, mate.
Marra prop.n. A surname.
MARRA n. a Northern English dialect form of mate.
MORRAmorra n. A game in which two (or more) players each suddenly display a hand showing zero to five fingers and…
Morra prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MORRA n. a game of guessing how many fingers are held up, also MORA.
MURRAmurra n. (Historical) An ornamental stone for vases, etc. described by Pliny, most probably fluorspar; it was…
MURRA n. (Latin) an ancient Roman substance used to make fine cups and vases, also MURRHA.
PARRAParra prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
PARRA n. (Australian slang) a tourist or nonresident on a beach.
SERRAserra n. A saw, or saw-like part.
Serra prop.n. A surname.
SERRA n. (Latin) a serrated organ, structure, or edge.
SIRRAsirra n. Alternative spelling of sirrah.
SIRRA n. (obsolete) a mode of address, sir, also SIREE, SIRRAH, SIRREE.
SORRAsorra n. (Scotland, Ireland, dialect) sorrow.
sorra det. (Scotland, Ireland, dialect) nary (a); no; not one.
SORRA n. (Irish) sorrow, the devil.
SURRAsurra n. A disease of vertebrate animals caused by protozoan trypanosomes, involving fever, weakness, and lethargy.
SURRA n. (Marathi) a trypanosome disease of the blood in horses.
TERRAterra n. A continent or large landmass, e.g. Arabia Terra or Aphrodite Terra.
terra n. A Lunar highland or mountainous region with a relatively high albedo, e.g. Terra Nivium.
Terra prop.n. (Roman mythology) The Roman earth goddess, equivalent in the interpretatio graeca to Gaea.
VERRAVERRA adj. (Scots) very, also VERA.
WIRRAwirra interj. (Ireland) Exclamation of dismay.
WIRRA interj. an interjection expressing sorrow, also WHIRRA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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