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There are 13 five-letter words containing ROC

BROCHbroch n. (Archaeology) A type of Iron Age stone tower with hollow double-layered walls found on Orkney, Shetland…
BROCH v. to broach, to pierce.
BROCH n. a circular tower, also BROGH, BROUGH.
BROCKbrock n. (UK) a male badger.
brock n. (Archaic, possibly obsolete) A brocket, a stag between two and three years old.
brock n. (Obsolete) A dirty, stinking fellow.
CEROCceroc n. A style of dance which combines salsa with jive and rock and roll.
CEROC n. a form of dance combining many styles, including jive and salsa.
CROCIcroci n. Plural of crocus.
CROCUS n. (Latin) an iridaceous plant with brilliant yellow, purple or white flowers.
CROCKcrock n. A stoneware or earthenware jar or storage container.
crock n. A piece of broken pottery, a shard.
crock n. (UK) A person who is physically limited by age, illness or injury.
CROCScrocs n. Plural of croc.
CROC n. (short for) crocodile.
DUROCduroc n. A pig of a reddish breed developed in North America.
DUROC n. a large red hog.
FROCKfrock n. A dress, a piece of clothing, which consists of a skirt and a cover for the upper body.
frock n. An outer garment worn by priests and other clericals; a habit.
frock n. A sailor’s jersey.
ROCKSrocks n. Plural of rock.
rocks n. (Slang) Money.
rocks n. (Vulgar, slang) Testicles.
ROCKYrocky adj. Abounding in, or full of, rocks; consisting of rocks.
rocky adj. Like a rock; rigid, solid.
rocky adj. (Of an animal or plant) Having a habitat around or on rocks.
SIROCsiroc n. Synonym of sirocco.
SIROC n. (Italian) a hot, dry, dusty wind blowing from North Africa to the North Mediterranean coastline, also SCIROC, SCIROCCO, SIROCCO.
TAROCtaroc n. Dated form of tarot.
TAROC n. a pack of cards used in fortune-telling, also TAROK, TAROT.
TROCKTrock n. (Fandom slang) A genre of music produced by fans of the British science-fiction television series Doctor…
TROCK v. (Scots) to barter, also TROAK, TROKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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