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There are 16 five-letter words containing ROA

BROADbroad adj. Wide in extent or scope.
broad adj. Extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full.
broad adj. Having a large measure of any thing or quality; unlimited; unrestrained.
CROAKcroak n. A faint, harsh sound made in the throat.
croak n. The call of a frog or toad. (see also ribbit)
croak n. The harsh call of various birds, such as the raven or corncrake, or other creatures.
GROANgroan n. A low, mournful sound uttered in pain or grief.
groan n. A low, guttural sound uttered in frustration, disapproval, or ecstasy.
groan n. (Of an object) A low creaking sound from applied pressure or weight.
GROATgroat n. (Chiefly in the plural) Hulled grain, chiefly hulled oats.
groat n. (Archaic or historical) Any of various old coins of England and Scotland.
groat n. A historical English silver coin worth four English pennies, still minted as one of the set of Maundy coins.
PROASproas n. Plural of proa.
Proas prop.n. Plural of Proa.
PROA n. (Malay) a swift Malaysian sailing vessel, also PRAU, PRAHU, PRAO.
ROACHroach n. Certain members of the fish family Cyprinidae, including…
roach n. (US) A cockroach.
roach n. (Nautical) An extra curve of material added to the leech (aft edge) of a sail to increase the sail area.
ROADSroads n. Plural of road.
roads n. (Nautical, occasionally in the singular) A roadstead.
ROAD n. a way for public transport.
ROAMSroams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of roam.
ROAM v. to move about without purpose or plan.
ROANSroans n. Plural of roan.
ROAN n. (Scots) a roof-gutter, also RHONE, ROANPIPE, RONE, RONEPIPE.
ROARSroars n. Plural of roar.
roars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of roar.
ROAR v. to utter a full, loud sound of a lion.
ROARYroary adj. Resembling or characteristic of a roaring sound.
ROARY adj. noisy, garish, too bright, also ROARIE, RORIE, RORY.
ROASTroast v. (Transitive or intransitive or ergative) To cook food by heating in an oven or over a fire without covering…
roast v. To cook by surrounding with hot embers, ashes, sand, etc.
roast v. (Transitive or intransitive or ergative) To process by drying through exposure to sun or artificial heat.
ROATEROATE n. (Finance) Initialism of return on average tangible equity.
ROATE v. (Shakespeare) to learn by repetition, also ROTE.
TROADtroad n. Obsolete spelling of trode.
Troad prop.n. (Historical) The Biga peninsula in the northwestern part of Anatolia, Turkey.
TROAD n. (Spenser) a track, path, also TROADE, TROD, TRODE.
TROAKtroak v. (Scotland) To barter or trade, especially outside a government monopoly.
troak n. (Scotland) Barter; exchange; truck.
troak n. (Scotland) Small wares.
TROATtroat n. The cry of a deer.
troat v. To make the cry of a deer.
TROAT v. to bellow like a roaring buck.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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