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There are 8 five-letter words containing RGA

ARGALargal adv. Thus, therefore.
argal n. Crude tartar.
argal n. An argali (kind of sheep).
ARGANargan n. A tree (Argania spinosa) of southwestern Morocco, particularly prized for its oil.
argan n. The fruit of this tree.
ARGAN n. (Arabic) a Moroccan timber-tree; its oil-bearing seed.
DARGAdarga n. A Hebrew cantillation mark found in the Torah, the Haftarah, etc., resembling a backwards Z.
Darga prop.n. A surname.
DARGA n. (Hindi) the tomb of a Muslim saint, also DARGAH, DURGAH.
JIRGAjirga n. A gathering of elders or leaders in Pakistan or Afghanistan, especially within a tribe.
JIRGA n. a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan.
ORGANorgan n. The larger part of an organism, composed of tissues that perform similar functions.
organ n. (By extension) A body of an organization dedicated to the performing of certain functions.
organ n. (Music) A musical instrument that has multiple pipes which play when a key is pressed (the pipe organ)…
TARGATARGA n. (tradename) a car with a removable hard roof, which fits into the boot when not in use.
TERGAterga n. Plural of tergum.
TERGUM n. (Latin) the back of an arthropod, also TERGITE.
VIRGAvirga n. (Music) A type of note used in plainsong notation, having a tail and representing a single tone.
virga n. (Meteorology, countable) A streak of rain or snow that is dissipated in falling and does not reach the…
virga n. (Measurement, countable) A unit of length: a rod, pole or perch (5½ yards); or a unit of area: a square…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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