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There are 19 five-letter words containing REI

AREICareic adj. Of or pertaining to area; especially used to describe a measurement per unit area.
AREIC adj. of an area of the earth with little surface drainage.
AUREIaurei n. Plural of aureus.
AUREUS n. (Latin) a gold coin of ancient Rome.
BREIDBREID n. bread.
BREISBREI v. (South African) to pronounce r sound at the back of the throat, also BREY.
FREITfreit n. (Scotland) A superstitious object or observance; a charm, an omen.
FREIT n. (Scots) an omen, also FREET.
GREINGrein prop.n. A surname.
GREIN v. (Scots) to long, yearn.
PREIFPREIF n. (obsolete) proof, also PREIFE, PRIEF, PRIEFE.
REIFSREIF n. (Scots) property etc. taken by force or robbery.
REIFYreify v. (Transitive) to regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing.
REIFY v. to regard as real or concrete.
REIGNreign n. The exercise of sovereign power.
reign n. The period during which a monarch rules.
reign n. The territory or sphere over which a kingdom; empire; realm; dominion, etc. is ruled.
REIKIreiki n. A Japanese form of pseudomedicine that involves transferring chi through one’s palms.
REIKI n. (Japanese) a form of massage therapy.
REIKSREIK n. (obsolete) a prank.
REINKreink v. To ink again.
REINK v. to ink again.
REINSreins n. Plural of rein.
reins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rein.
reins n. (Archaic) The kidneys.
REIRDreird n. (Obsolete) Utterance, speech; an instance of this.
reird n. (Obsolete) A voice, a cry.
REIRD n. (Scots) an uproar, also RAIRD.
REISTreist n. (Philosophy) A proponent of reism.
Reist prop.n. A surname.
REIST v. to become rancid.
REIVEreive v. Archaic spelling of reave.
REIVE v. (archaic) to plunder, rob, also REAVE, RIEVE.
TREIFtreif adj. Alternative spelling of treyf.
TREIF adj. (Yiddish) in the Jewish religion, forbidden as food, not kosher, also TEREFA, TEREFAH, TRAYF, TREF, TREFA, TREFAH, TREIFA, TREYF, TREYFA.
UREICureic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, relating to, or derived from urea.
UREIC adj. relating to urea, also UREAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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