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There are 7 four-letter words containing RON

CRONcron n. (Computing) A scheduler or timer that automatically starts a job, program, task.
Cron prop.n. A surname.
CRON n. in computing, a command used to schedule a job that is executed at a certain time, or periodically.
IRONiron n. (Uncountable) A common, inexpensive metal, silvery grey when untarnished, that rusts, is attracted by…
iron n. (Uncountable, physics, chemistry, metallurgy) A metallic chemical element having atomic number 26 and symbol Fe.
iron n. (Uncountable, countable, metallurgy) Any material, not a steel, predominantly made of elemental iron.
RONERone prop.n. A surname.
RONE n. (Scots) a roof-gutter, also RHONE, ROAN, ROANPIPE, RONEPIPE.
RONGrong adj. Misspelling of wrong.
rong n. Misspelling of wrong.
rong v. Misspelling of wrong.
RONTront n. Obsolete form of runt.
RONT n. (Spenser) a runt, also RONTE.
RONZRONZ n. (New Zealand) acronym for the rest of New Zealand i.e. other than Auckland.
TRONtron n. Obsolete form of trone (weighing machine).
Tron prop.n. (New Zealand, informal) Hamilton, a city in the North Island of New Zealand.
-tron suff. Used to name various electronic devices.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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