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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing RNE

CIRCULARNESSESCIRCULARNESS n. the state of being circular.
CYBERNETICALLYcybernetically adv. In a cybernetic manner.
CYBERNETICAL adv. relating to cybernetics, also CYBERNETIC.
CYBERNETICIANScyberneticians n. Plural of cybernetician.
CYBERNETICIAN n. a specialist in cybernetics.
CYBERNETICISTScyberneticists n. Plural of cyberneticist.
CYBERNETICIST n. a student of cybernetics.
DEBONAIRNESSESDEBONAIRNESS n. the state of being debonair.
FAMILIARNESSESFAMILIARNESS n. the state of being familiar.
GLOBULARNESSESGLOBULARNESS n. the state of being globular.
IMPROPERNESSESIMPROPERNESS n. the state of being improper.
NORTHEASTERNERnortheasterner n. A person from the northeast part of a geographic region, especially the United States.
NORTHWESTERNERnorthwesterner n. A person from the northwest part of a geographic region.
ORACULARNESSESORACULARNESS n. the state of being oracular.
OUTSIDERNESSESOUTSIDERNESS n. the state of being an outsider.
PARTICULARNESSparticularness n. Quality of being particular.
PARTICULAR n. especial.
SINGULARNESSESSINGULARNESS n. the state of being singular.
SINISTERNESSESSINISTERNESS n. the state of being sinister.
SOUTHEASTERNERsoutheasterner n. A person from the southeast part of a geographic region.
SOUTHWESTERNERsouthwesterner n. A person from the southwest part of a geographic region.
TOGETHERNESSEStogethernesses n. Plural of togetherness.
TOGETHERNESS n. the state of being together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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