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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing ROE

AEROEMBOLISMaeroembolism n. An embolism that results from the introduction, (or the formation under reduced pressure) of air bubbles in the blood.
AEROEMBOLISM n. sickness caused by exposure to rapidly lowered air pressure.
ALSTROEMERIAalstroemeria n. Any member of the genus Alstroemeria of South American flowering plants, the Peruvian lilies.
ALSTROEMERIA n. a plant of the South American genus Alstroemeria of the amaryllis family with inverted leaves.
CHLOROETHENEchloroethene n. (Organic chemistry) vinyl chloride, or any other chlorinated derivative of ethene.
CHLOROETHENE n. ethyl chloride.
HETEROECIOUSheteroecious adj. (Biology) Of dependent organisms, spending portions of the life cycle on different types of hosts.
heterœcious adj. Obsolete form of heteroecious.
HETEROECIOUS adj. parasitism upon several hosts.
HETEROECISMSHETEROECISM n. a form of parasitism that requires two (usually unrelated) host species to complete its life-cycle.
HYDROELASTIChydroelastic adj. (Physics) undergoing elastic deformation as the result of the flow of a fluid, especially that of water.
HYDROELASTIC adj. as in hydroelastic suspension, a system of car suspension in which a fluid provides interconnection between the front and rear suspension units.
MICROELEMENTmicroelement n. Trace element.
MICROELEMENT n. a trace element.
PAROEMIOLOGYparoemiology n. Alternative form of paremiology.
PAROEMIOLOGY n. the study of proverbs.
PYROELECTRICpyroelectric adj. Of, relating to, or exhibiting pyroelectricity.
pyroelectric n. A pyroelectric substance.
PYROELECTRIC adj. of, concerned with, or exhibiting pyroelectricity.
RETROENGINESretroengines n. Plural of retroengine.
RETROENGINE n. a small rocket on a spacecraft which is fired to alter its course or slow it down.
ROENTGENISEDroentgenised v. Simple past tense and past participle of roentgenise.
ROENTGENISE v. to bombard with X-rays, also ROENTGENIZE.
ROENTGENISESroentgenises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of roentgenise.
ROENTGENISE v. to bombard with X-rays, also ROENTGENIZE.
ROENTGENIUMSROENTGENIUM n. a short-lived radioactive element produced artificially.
ROENTGENIZEDroentgenized v. Simple past tense and past participle of roentgenize.
ROENTGENIZE v. to bombard with X-rays, also ROENTGENISE.
ROENTGENIZESroentgenizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of roentgenize.
ROENTGENIZE v. to bombard with X-rays, also ROENTGENISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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