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There are 17 words containing QUOTA

MISQUOTATIONmisquotation n. An incorrect quotation.
MISQUOTATION n. a wrong quotation.
MISQUOTATIONSmisquotations n. Plural of misquotation.
MISQUOTATION n. a wrong quotation.
NONQUOTAnonquota adj. Not included in a quota.
NONQUOTA adj. not included in or subject to a quota.
QUOTAquota n. A proportional part or share; the share or proportion assigned to each in a division.
quota n. A prescribed number or percentage that may serve as, for example, a maximum, a minimum, or a goal.
quota n. (Business, economics) A restriction on the import of something to a specific quantity.
QUOTABILITIESquotabilities n. Plural of quotability.
QUOTABILITY n. the ability to be quoted.
QUOTABILITYquotability n. The degree to which a person, literature, or a speech is useful or relevant for being quoted.
QUOTABILITY n. the ability to be quoted.
QUOTABLEquotable adj. Capable or worthy of being quoted.
QUOTABLE adj. capable of being quoted.
QUOTABLENESSquotableness n. The quality or degree of being quotable.
QUOTABLENESS n. the state of being quotable.
QUOTABLENESSESQUOTABLENESS n. the state of being quotable.
QUOTABLYquotably adv. In a way or to an extent that is quotable.
QUOTABLE adv. capable of being quoted.
QUOTASquotas n. Plural of quota.
QUOTA n. (Latin) a proportional share, a part assigned.
QUOTATIONquotation n. A fragment of a human expression that is repeated by somebody else, for example from literature or a famous speech.
quotation n. A price that has been quoted for buying or selling.
quotation n. The act of setting a price.
QUOTATIONSquotations n. Plural of quotation.
QUOTATION n. something quoted.
QUOTATIOUSquotatious adj. Tending to use quotations.
QUOTATIOUS adj. tending to quote.
QUOTATIVEquotative n. (Grammar) A grammatical device to mark quoted speech, such as be like in "he was like, ’who are you?’".
quotative n. (Linguistics) A form of the complementizer related to the verb say, found in many languages of West…
quotative adj. (Grammar) Serving to mark quoted speech.
QUOTATIVESquotatives n. Plural of quotative.
QUOTATIVE n. a function word used in informal contexts to introduce a quotation.
UNQUOTABLEunquotable adj. Not quotable; that cannot be quoted.
UNQUOTABLE adj. not quotable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 39 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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