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There are 19 words containing QUINC

QUINCEquince n. The pear-shaped fruit of a small tree of the rose family, Cydonia oblonga.
quince n. The deciduous tree bearing such fruit, native to Asia.
quince n. A soft yellow colour, like that of a quince.
QUINCENTENARIESquincentenaries n. Plural of quincentenary.
QUINCENTENARY n. a five-hundredth anniversary, also QUINGENTENARY.
QUINCENTENARYquincentenary n. Synonym of quincentennial: A 500th anniversary.
quincentenary adj. Synonym of quincentennial: Of or related to a 500th anniversary.
QUINCENTENARY adj. pertaining to a five-hundredth anniversary.
QUINCENTENNIALquincentennial adj. Of or related to a 500th anniversary.
quincentennial n. A 500th anniversary.
QUINCENTENNIAL n. a five hundred year anniversary.
QUINCENTENNIALSquincentennials n. Plural of quincentennial.
QUINCENTENNIAL n. a five hundred year anniversary.
QUINCESquinces n. Plural of quince.
Quinces prop.n. Plural of Quince.
QUINCE n. a fragrant, acid fruit.
QUINCHEquinche v. Alternative form of quinch.
QUINCHE v. (Spenser) to stir, move, also QUATCH, QUETCH, QUICH, QUITCH.
QUINCHEDquinched v. Simple past tense and past participle of quinch.
QUINCHE v. (Spenser) to stir, move, also QUATCH, QUETCH, QUICH, QUITCH.
QUINCHESquinches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quinch.
quinches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quinche.
QUINCHE v. (Spenser) to stir, move, also QUATCH, QUETCH, QUICH, QUITCH.
QUINCHINGquinching v. Present participle of quinch.
QUINCHE v. (Spenser) to stir, move, also QUATCH, QUETCH, QUICH, QUITCH.
QUINCUNCIALquincuncial adj. Arranged in a quincunx.
quincuncial adj. (Botany) Having the leaves of a pentamerous calyx or corolla so imbricated that two are exterior, two…
QUINCUNCIAL adj. of or like a quincunx, also QUINCUNXIAL.
QUINCUNCIALLYquincuncially adv. In a quincuncial fashion.
QUINCUNCIAL adv. of or like a quincunx, also QUINCUNXIAL.
QUINCUNXquincunx n. An arrangement of five units with four forming the corners of a square and the fifth at the centre of…
quincunx n. (Astrology) An angle of five-twelfths of a circle, or 150°, between two objects.
quincunx n. A Galton board.
QUINCUNXESquincunxes n. Plural of quincunx.
QUINCUNX n. (Latin) an arrangement of five things.
QUINCUNXIALquincunxial adj. Alternative spelling of quincuncial.
QUINCUNXIAL adj. of or like a quincunx, also QUINCUNCIAL.
SQUINCHsquinch n. (Architecture) A structure constructed between two adjacent walls to aid in the transition from a polygonal…
squinch v. (Transitive) To scrunch up (One’s face, etc.).
SQUINCH v. to screw up, contort (one's face, features, etc.).
SQUINCHEDsquinched v. Simple past tense and past participle of squinch.
SQUINCH v. to screw up, contort (one's face, features, etc.).
SQUINCHESsquinches n. Plural of squinch.
SQUINCH v. to screw up, contort (one's face, features, etc.).
SQUINCHINGsquinching v. Present participle of squinch.
SQUINCH v. to screw up, contort (one's face, features, etc.).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 107 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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