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There are 13 eight-letter words containing QUIS

ACQUISTSacquists n. Plural of acquist.
ACQUIST n. a thing acquired; specifically property gained otherwise than by inheritance, also ACQUEST.
ALFAQUISalfaquis n. Plural of alfaqui.
ALFAQUI n. (Arabic) a teacher of Muslim law, also ALFAKI, ALFAQUIN.
CHARQUIScharquis n. Plural of charqui.
CHARQUI n. jerked beef.
CLIQUISHcliquish adj. Of or pertaining to a clique.
cliquish adj. Tending to associate with a small and exclusive group.
CLIQUISH adj. relating to a clique, exclusive, also CLIQUEY, CLIQUY.
CLIQUISMcliquism n. The tendency to associate in cliques; the spirit of cliques.
CLIQUISM n. the tendency to form cliques.
EQUISETAequiseta n. Plural of equisetum.
EQUISETUM n. (Latin) a plant, horsetail.
ESQUISSEesquisse n. (Art) The first sketch of a picture or model of a statue.
ESQUISSE n. (French) the first sketch of a picture or model of a statue.
MARQUISEmarquise n. (Chiefly historical) A marchioness, especially one who is French.
marquise n. A marquee.
marquise n. (Jewelry) An oval cut gemstone with pointed ends.
PEQUISTEPequiste n. (Canadian politics) A member of the Parti Québécois.
Pequiste adj. (Canadian politics) Pertaining to the Parti Québécois.
PEQUISTE n. (Canadian) in Canada, a supporter of the Parti Quebecois.
QUISLINGquisling n. (Derogatory) A traitor who collaborates with the enemy.
quisling v. Present participle of quisle.
Quisling n. Alternative letter-case form of quisling.
SQUISHEDsquished v. Simple past tense and past participle of squish.
SQUISH v. to squash, also SQUOOSH, SQUUSH.
SQUISHESsquishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of squish.
squishes n. Plural of squish.
SQUISH v. to squash, also SQUOOSH, SQUUSH.
VANQUISHvanquish v. To defeat, to overcome.
VANQUISH v. to defeat in battle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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