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There are 17 words containing PRESBYTER

PRESBYTERpresbyter n. An elder, priest, pastor, or minister in various Christian churches.
presbyter n. An elder of the Presbyterian church.
presbyter n. An elder of the congregation in early Christianity.
PRESBYTERALpresbyteral adj. Of or pertaining to a presbyter or presbytery; presbyterial.
PRESBYTERAL adj. of or like a presbyter.
PRESBYTERATEpresbyterate n. A priest; also, presbytership.
PRESBYTERATE n. the office of presbyter.
PRESBYTERATESpresbyterates n. Plural of presbyterate.
PRESBYTERATE n. the office of presbyter.
PRESBYTERIALpresbyterial adj. Presbyterian.
presbyterial n. A presbytery run by the Women’s Missionary Society.
PRESBYTERIAL adj. relating to a presbytery.
PRESBYTERIALLYpresbyterially adv. In a presbyterian manner.
PRESBYTERIAL adv. relating to a presbytery.
PRESBYTERIALSpresbyterials n. Plural of presbyterial.
PRESBYTERIAL n. an organization of Presbyterian women associated with a presbytery.
PRESBYTERIANpresbyterian adj. Of or pertaining to a presbyter, or to ecclesiastical government by presbyters; relating to those who…
Presbyterian adj. Relating to Presbyterianism.
Presbyterian n. A person belonging to a church in the tradition of Presbyterianism.
PRESBYTERIANISMpresbyterianism n. That form of church government which invests presbyters with all spiritual power, and admits no prelates…
Presbyterianism n. A form of Protestant Christianity based on Calvinism.
Presbyterianism n. A form of Christian church government characterized by rule by bodies of presbyters or elders.
PRESBYTERIANIZEPresbyterianize v. (Transitive) To make Presbyterian.
PRESBYTERIANIZE v. to make presbyterian, also PRESBYTERIANISE.
PRESBYTERIANSPresbyterians n. Plural of Presbyterian.
PRESBYTERIAN n. a member of a Presbyterian church.
PRESBYTERIESpresbyteries n. Plural of presbytery.
PRESBYTERY n. part of church reserved for officiating clergy.
PRESBYTERSpresbyters n. Plural of presbyter.
PRESBYTER n. an elder in the early Christian church, also PRESBYTE.
PRESBYTERSHIPpresbytership n. The office or station of a presbyter; presbyterate.
PRESBYTERSHIP n. the office of presbyter, an elder in the early Christian church.
PRESBYTERSHIPSpresbyterships n. Plural of presbytership.
PRESBYTERSHIP n. the office of presbyter, an elder in the early Christian church.
PRESBYTERYpresbytery n. The home of a Roman Catholic parish priest.
presbytery n. A body of elders in the early Christian church.
presbytery n. A chancel; a section of the church reserved for the clergy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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