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There are 9 words containing PANTOMIM

PANTOMIMEpantomime n. (Now rare) A Classical comic actor, especially one who works mainly through gesture and mime.
pantomime n. (Historical) The drama in ancient Greece and Rome featuring such performers; or (later) any of various…
pantomime n. (UK) A traditional theatrical entertainment, originally based on the commedia dell’arte, but later aimed…
PANTOMIMEDpantomimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pantomime.
PANTOMIME v. to portray or communicate by exaggerated silent gestures or expressions.
PANTOMIMESpantomimes n. Plural of pantomime.
pantomimes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pantomime.
PANTOMIME v. to portray or communicate by exaggerated silent gestures or expressions.
PANTOMIMICpantomimic adj. Of or relating to pantomime.
PANTOMIMIC adj. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMICAL.
PANTOMIMICALpantomimical adj. (Now rare) Expressed or carried out using mime or mimicry.
pantomimical adj. (Now rare) Like or pertaining to a pantomime.
PANTOMIMICAL adj. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMIC.
PANTOMIMICALLYpantomimically adv. In a pantomimic manner.
PANTOMIMICAL adv. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMIC.
PANTOMIMINGpantomiming v. Present participle of pantomime.
pantomiming n. The performance of pantomime.
PANTOMIME v. to portray or communicate by exaggerated silent gestures or expressions.
PANTOMIMISTpantomimist n. One who engages in pantomime.
PANTOMIMIST n. an actor or dancer in pantomimes.
PANTOMIMISTSpantomimists n. Plural of pantomimist.
PANTOMIMIST n. an actor or dancer in pantomimes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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