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There are 15 words containing PAINTING

BEPAINTINGbepainting v. Present participle of bepaint.
BEPAINT v. (archaic) to paint over, to colour.
DEPAINTINGdepainting v. Present participle of depaint.
DEPAINT v. (Spenser) to paint, also DEPEINCT.
IMPAINTINGimpainting v. Present participle of impaint.
IMPAINT v. (Shakespeare) to paint or depict.
MISPAINTINGmispainting v. Present participle of mispaint.
MISPAINT v. to paint wrongly.
OUTPAINTINGoutpainting v. Present participle of outpaint.
OUTPAINT v. to surpass in painting.
OVERPAINTINGoverpainting v. Present participle of overpaint.
overpainting n. Something painted over the top of something else.
OVERPAINT v. to color or describe too strongly.
PAINTINGpainting v. Present participle of paint.
painting n. (Countable) An illustration or artwork done with the use of paint.
painting n. (Uncountable) The action of applying paint to a surface.
PAINTINGSpaintings n. Plural of painting.
PAINTING n. a painted picture.
REPAINTINGrepainting v. Present participle of repaint.
repainting n. The act of painting something again.
REPAINTING n. the act of repainting.
REPAINTINGSrepaintings n. Plural of repainting.
REPAINTING n. the act of repainting.
SANDPAINTINGsandpainting n. (Uncountable) The art of pouring coloured sands and pigments onto a surface to make a temporary or permanent picture.
sandpainting n. (Countable) A picture of this kind.
sand␣painting n. Alternative form of sandpainting.
SANDPAINTINGSsandpaintings n. Plural of sandpainting.
sand␣paintings n. Plural of sand painting.
SANDPAINTING n. a painting made with sand.
UNDERPAINTINGunderpainting n. (Art) An initial layer of paint, often monochromatic, applied to a ground as a base for subsequent layers.
underpainting n. (Art) A painting that the artist later painted over to create the final work.
UNDERPAINTING n. preliminary painting.
UNDERPAINTINGSunderpaintings n. Plural of underpainting.
UNDERPAINTING n. preliminary painting.
UNPAINTINGunpainting v. Present participle of unpaint.
UNPAINT v. to remove the paint from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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