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There are 18 words containing PIRATOR

ASPIRATORaspirator n. A pump which draws gas through a liquid.
aspirator n. A pump for removing gases or liquids.
aspirator n. A pooter (device for collecting insects).
ASPIRATORSaspirators n. Plural of aspirator.
ASPIRATOR n. an instrument for removing fluids or solids from cavities of the body.
ASPIRATORYaspiratory adj. Pertaining to aspiration.
ASPIRATORY adj. of or pertaining to breathing; suited to the inhaling of air.
EXPIRATORYexpiratory adj. Of or pertaining to expiration.
EXPIRATORY adj. pertaining to the expiration of air from the lungs.
INSPIRATORinspirator n. An inspirer; one who inspires.
inspirator n. An inhaler; one who inhales.
inspirator n. A kind of injector for forcing water by steam.
RESPIRATORrespirator n. A device designed to allow breathing when it would otherwise be hindered, as by a medical condition…
RESPIRATOR n. an appliance which provides artificial respiration.
CONSPIRATORconspirator n. One of a group that acts in harmony; a person who is part of a conspiracy.
conspirator n. Part of a group that agree to do an unlawful or unethical act.
CONSPIRATOR n. one who conspires.
INSPIRATORSinspirators n. Plural of inspirator.
INSPIRATOR n. a kind of injector for forcing water by steam.
INSPIRATORYinspiratory adj. Of or pertaining to inspiration (in all senses).
INSPIRATORY adj. tending to inspire.
RESPIRATORSrespirators n. Plural of respirator.
RESPIRATOR n. an appliance which provides artificial respiration.
RESPIRATORYrespiratory adj. (Relational) Relating to respiration or the organs of respiration; breathing.
RESPIRATORY adj. related to respiration.
CONSPIRATORSconspirators n. Plural of conspirator.
CONSPIRATOR n. one who conspires.
CONSPIRATORYconspiratory adj. Of, or relating to a conspiracy.
CONSPIRATORY adj. relating to conspiracy, also CONSPIRATORIAL.
PERSPIRATORYperspiratory adj. (Dated) Of or pertaining to perspiration.
PERSPIRATORY adj. of, relating to, secreting, or inducing perspiration.
COCONSPIRATORcoconspirator n. Alternative spelling of co-conspirator.
co-conspirator n. A person involved with others in a conspiracy.
COCONSPIRATOR n. a joint conspirator.
TRANSPIRATORYtranspiratory adj. Of or relating to transpiration.
TRANSPIRATORY adj. relating to transpiration, also TRANSPIRATIONAL.
COCONSPIRATORScoconspirators n. Plural of coconspirator.
co-conspirators n. Plural of co-conspirator.
COCONSPIRATOR n. a joint conspirator.
CONSPIRATORIALconspiratorial adj. Pertaining to conspiracy or conspirators.
conspiratorial adj. Believing in conspiracy theories.
CONSPIRATORIAL adj. relating to conspiracy, also CONSPIRATORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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