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There are 13 words containing PHYSICS

ASTROPHYSICSastrophysics n. The branch of astronomy or physics that deals with the physical properties of celestial bodies and with…
ASTROPHYSICS n. a branch of astronomy dealing esp. with the behavior, physical properties, and dynamic processes of celestial objects and phenomena.
ATTOPHYSICSattophysics n. (Physics) The branch of physics concerned with dynamic processes that take place with a time resolution…
ATTOPHYSICS n. the branch of physics concerned with dynamic processes that take place with a time resolution of the order of quintillionths of a second.
BIOPHYSICSbiophysics n. The interdisciplinary science that applies theories and methods of the physical sciences to questions of biology.
BIOPHYSICS n. the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena.
CRYOPHYSICScryophysics n. (Physics) The physics of phenomena associated with matter at very low temperatures.
CRYOPHYSICS n. low-temperature physics.
GEOPHYSICSgeophysics n. A branch of earth science dealing with the physical processes and phenomena occurring in the earth and…
GEOPHYSICS n. the study of the earth's physical properties.
MACROPHYSICSmacrophysics n. (Physics) The branch of physics that deals with those phenomena that can be directly observed.
MACROPHYSICS n. the branch of physics concerned with macroscopic systems and objects.
METAPHYSICSmetaphysics n. (Philosophy, uncountable) The branch of philosophy which studies fundamental principles intended to…
metaphysics n. (Philosophy, countable) The view or theory of a particular philosopher or school of thinkers concerning…
metaphysics n. (Logic, uncountable, by extension from the philosophical sense) The metalogic of physics; the logical…
MICROPHYSICSmicrophysics n. (Physics) That branch of physics that deals with objects smaller than a molecule.
MICROPHYSICS n. the physics of molecules, atoms, and elementary particles.
NANOPHYSICSnanophysics n. Nanoscale physics.
NANOPHYSICS n. physics on an atomic and molecular scale.
PATAPHYSICSpataphysics n. An absurdist philosophy or pseudoscience studying things "beyond" metaphysics.
'pataphysics n. Alternative spelling of pataphysics.
PATAPHYSICS n. 'The science of imaginary solutions' invented by the French dramatist Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), writer of symbolic farce, from which is descended the theatre of the absurd.
PETROPHYSICSpetrophysics n. (Geology, physics) The physics of rock, especially rock that acts as a reservoir for petroleum or other fluids.
PETROPHYSICS n. that branch of physics relating to the physical properties of rocks.
PHYSICSphysics n. The branch of science concerned with the study of the properties and interactions of space, time, matter and energy.
physics n. The physical aspects of a phenomenon or a system, especially those studied scientifically.
physics n. Plural of physic.
PSYCHOPHYSICSpsychophysics n. (Psychology) The branch of psychology concerned with the effects of physical stimuli on mental processes.
PSYCHOPHYSICS n. the study of the link between mental and physical processes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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