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There are 9 words containing PHOLOGY

CARPHOLOGYcarphology n. Alternative form of carphologia.
CARPHOLOGY n. fitful plucking movements as in delirium.
EDAPHOLOGYedaphology n. The ecological relationship of soil with plants, and land cultivation practices.
EDAPHOLOGY n. the science of soil as a plant growing medium.
GEOMORPHOLOGYgeomorphology n. The study of landforms, their classification, origin, development, and history.
GEOMORPHOLOGY n. the study of the landscapes of the earth and their development.
GRAPHOLOGYgraphology n. (Uncountable) The study of handwriting, especially as a means of analyzing a person’s character.
graphology n. A system of handwriting.
GRAPHOLOGY n. the study of handwriting.
MICROMORPHOLOGYmicromorphology n. (Biology, mineralogy, soil science) The fine-level structures or morphology of an organism, mineral…
micromorphology n. Microstructure.
MICROMORPHOLOGY n. the microscopic structure of a material, as a mineral or a biological cell, aka microstructure.
MORPHOLOGYmorphology n. (Uncountable) A scientific study of form and structure, usually without regard to function. Especially…
morphology n. (Countable) The form and structure of something.
morphology n. (Countable) A description of the form and structure of something.
NEPHOLOGYnephology n. The branch of meteorology that studies clouds.
NEPHOLOGY n. the study of clouds.
PSEPHOLOGYpsephology n. The predictive or statistical study of elections.
psephology n. An ancient Greek method of numerology, similar to gematria.
PSEPHOLOGY n. the study of political elections.
TROPHOLOGYtrophology n. (Dated) The science of nutrition.
trophology n. A nutritional approach that advocates specific combinations of foods as central to good health and weight loss.
TROPHOLOGY n. the study of nutrition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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