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There are 11 words containing PETITIV

ANTICOMPETITIVEanticompetitive adj. (Economics, business) Acting to hinder or obstruct competition.
anti-competitive adj. Alternative form of anticompetitive.
ANTICOMPETITIVE adj. tending to reduce or discourage competition.
APPETITIVEappetitive adj. Having the quality of desiring gratification.
APPETITIVE adj. having or giving an appetite.
COMPETITIVEcompetitive adj. Of or pertaining to competition.
competitive adj. (Of someone’s character) Inclined to compete.
competitive adj. (Economics) Capable of competing successfully.
COMPETITIVELYcompetitively adv. In a competitive manner.
COMPETITIVE adv. relating to competition.
COMPETITIVENESScompetitiveness n. The state of being competitive.
COMPETITIVE n. relating to competition.
NONCOMPETITIVEnoncompetitive adj. That does not involve competition or rivalry.
non-competitive adj. Alternative spelling of noncompetitive.
NONCOMPETITIVE adj. not competitive.
PRECOMPETITIVEprecompetitive adj. Describing the early stages of the development of a commercial product, during which competitors collaborate.
PRECOMPETITIVE adj. denoting a period of industrial or commercial development during which competitors work together.
REPETITIVErepetitive adj. Happening many times in a similar way; containing repetition; repeating.
REPETITIVE adj. showing repetition.
REPETITIVELYrepetitively adv. In a repetitive manner.
REPETITIVE adv. showing repetition.
REPETITIVENESSrepetitiveness n. The state of being repetitive.
REPETITIVE n. showing repetition.
UNCOMPETITIVEuncompetitive adj. That does not involve competition; not competitive.
UNCOMPETITIVE adj. not competitive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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