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There are 8 words containing PERCHER

PERCHERpercher n. One who fishes for perch.
percher n. One that perches.
percher n. A bird that is perching or that regularly perches.
PERCHERSperchers n. Plural of percher.
PERCHER n. one who perches.
PERCHERYperchery n. A series of cages, each containing several perches, in which hens are kept for intensive egg production.
PERCHERY n. a barn where hens are free to perch.
PERCHERONPercheron n. A draught horse of a large, strong, usually dapple-grey breed originating in Perche, a former district of France.
PERCHERON n. (French) a draught-horse of a breed originating in La Perche in Normandy.
PERCHERIESpercheries n. Plural of perchery.
PERCHERY n. a barn where hens are free to perch.
PERCHERONSPercherons n. Plural of Percheron.
PERCHERON n. (French) a draught-horse of a breed originating in La Perche in Normandy.
SUPERCHERIEsupercherie n. (Obsolete) Foul play; an attack made by deceit.
supercherie n. (Now chiefly in French contexts) Deception, deceit; an instance of fraud.
SUPERCHERIE n. (French) deception, hoax, fraud.
SUPERCHERIESsupercheries n. Plural of supercherie.
SUPERCHERIE n. (French) deception, hoax, fraud.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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