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There are 14 words containing PATIENT

PATIENTpatient adj. (Of a person) Willing to wait if necessary; not losing one’s temper while waiting.
patient adj. Constant in pursuit or exertion; persevering; calmly diligent.
patient adj. (Obsolete) Physically able to suffer or bear.
PATIENTSpatients n. Plural of patient.
Patients prop.n. Plural of Patient.
PATIENT v. (Shakespeare) to make calm and uncomplaining.
IMPATIENTimpatient adj. Restless and intolerant of delays.
impatient adj. Anxious and eager, especially to begin something.
impatient adj. (Obsolete) Not to be borne; unendurable.
INPATIENTinpatient n. (Healthcare) A patient whose treatment needs at least one night’s residence in a hospital; a hospitalized patient.
in-patient n. Alternative spelling of inpatient.
INPATIENT n. a patient living and being treated in a hospital.
PATIENTEDPATIENT v. (Shakespeare) to make calm and uncomplaining.
PATIENTERpatienter adj. (Rare) comparative form of patient: more patient.
PATIENT adj. calm and uncomplaining.
PATIENTLYpatiently adv. In a patient manner.
PATIENT adv. calm and uncomplaining.
INPATIENTSinpatients n. Plural of inpatient.
in-patients n. Plural of in-patient.
INPATIENT n. a patient living and being treated in a hospital.
OUTPATIENToutpatient n. (Healthcare) A patient who receives treatment at a hospital or clinic but is not admitted overnight;…
outpatient adj. (Healthcare) Provided without requiring an overnight stay by the patient.
out-patient n. Alternative spelling of outpatient.
PATIENTESTpatientest adj. Superlative form of patient: most patient.
PATIENT adj. calm and uncomplaining.
PATIENTINGPATIENT v. (Shakespeare) to make calm and uncomplaining.
IMPATIENTLYimpatiently adv. Without patience.
IMPATIENT adv. not patient.
OMNIPATIENTomnipatient adj. Infinitely patient; capable of enduring all things.
OMNIPATIENT adj. enduring all things.
OUTPATIENTSoutpatients n. Plural of outpatient.
out-patients n. Plural of out-patient.
OUTPATIENT n. a patient who is not hospitalized overnight but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 81 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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