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There are 15 words containing PACIOUS

SPACIOUSspacious adj. Having plenty of space; roomy.
spacious adj. Large in expanse.
SPACIOUS adj. ample in extent.
CAPACIOUScapacious adj. Having a lot of space inside; roomy.
CAPACIOUS adj. roomy.
RAPACIOUSrapacious adj. (Also figurative) Voracious; avaricious.
rapacious adj. Given to taking by force or plundering; aggressively greedy.
rapacious adj. (Of an animal, usually a bird) Subsisting off live prey.
RAMPACIOUSrampacious adj. High-spirited.
rampacious adj. Rampageous.
RAMPACIOUS adj. (Dickens) turbulent, unruly, also RAMPAGEOUS.
SPACIOUSLYspaciously adv. In a spacious manner.
SPACIOUS adv. ample in extent.
CAPACIOUSLYcapaciously adv. In a capacious manner.
CAPACIOUS adv. roomy.
INCAPACIOUSincapacious adj. Not capacious; narrow, small, weak, or foolish.
INCAPACIOUS adj. not capacious.
RAPACIOUSLYrapaciously adv. In a rapacious manner, greedily, with great appetite.
RAPACIOUS adv. greedy, predacious.
SPACIOUSNESSspaciousness n. The state or quality of being spacious.
SPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being spacious.
CAPACIOUSNESScapaciousness n. The quality of being capacious.
CAPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being capacious.
RAPACIOUSNESSrapaciousness n. The state of being rapacious; extreme gluttony.
RAPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being rapacious.
SPACIOUSNESSESspaciousnesses n. Plural of spaciousness.
SPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being spacious.
CAPACIOUSNESSEScapaciousnesses n. Plural of capaciousness.
CAPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being capacious.
INCAPACIOUSNESSincapaciousness n. The quality of being incapacious.
INCAPACIOUS n. not capacious.
RAPACIOUSNESSESRAPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being rapacious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 22 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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