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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing PLASTIC

CHLOROPLASTICchloroplastic adj. Of or pertaining to a chloroplast.
chloroplastic adj. Containing chloroplasts.
CHLOROPLASTIC adj. of or like a chloroplast, also CHLOROPLASTAL.
HETEROPLASTICheteroplastic adj. (Pathology) Of, or relating to heteroplasm.
heteroplastic adj. (Surgery) Of a graft between individuals of different species.
heteroplastic adj. (Botany) Of cells possessing plastids from two or more parent cells or organisms.
KERATOPLASTICkeratoplastic adj. Relating to keratoplasty.
KERATOPLASTIC adj. relating to keratoplasty, plastic surgery on the cornea.
MICROPLASTICSmicroplastics n. Plural of microplastic.
MICROPLASTIC n. very small particles of plastic debris persisting as waste material in the environment following the breakdown of rubbish.
NEOPLASTICISMneoplasticism n. (Art) A style of abstract painting, developed by Piet Mondrian, that used only vertical and horizontal…
neo-plasticism n. Alternative spelling of neoplasticism.
NEOPLASTICISM n. a style of abstract painting in which geometrical patterns are formed of patches of flat colour enclosed by intersecting vertical and horizontal lines.
NEOPLASTICISTneoplasticist n. An artist working in the style of neoplasticism.
NEOPLASTICIST n. an exponent of neoplasticism.
PHELLOPLASTICphelloplastic adj. Of or pertaining to phelloplasty.
phelloplastic n. A model made from cork.
PHELLOPLASTIC n. a model in cork.
SOMATOPLASTICSOMATOPLASTIC adj. of or like somatoplasm, protoplasm of the somatic cells.
SUPERPLASTICSsuperplastics n. Plural of superplastic.
SUPERPLASTIC n. a plastic with these qualities.
THERMOPLASTICthermoplastic adj. Softening when heated and hardening when cooled, and thus able to be moulded.
thermoplastic n. A plastic with this property.
THERMOPLASTIC adj. capable of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening again when cooled.
UNPLASTICISEDunplasticised adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of unplasticized.
UNPLASTICISED adj. not plasticised, also UNPLASTICIZED.
UNPLASTICIZEDunplasticized adj. Not plasticized.
UNPLASTICIZED adj. not plasticized, also UNPLASTICISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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