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There are 19 words containing PROVEN

DISPROVENdisproven v. Alternative irregular form of the past participle of disprove.
disproven adj. Shown to be false.
disproven adj. (Archaic, Scottish law) Not proven, in a legal case where the jury verdict has inconclusive evidence…
NONPROVENnonproven adj. Not proven; unproven.
NONPROVEN adj. not proven.
PROVENproven adj. Having been proved; having proved its value or truth.
proven v. (Proscribed) past participle of prove.
PROVE v. to establish as certain or true.
PROVENANCEprovenance n. Place or source of origin.
provenance n. (Archaeology) The place and time of origin of some artifact or other object. See Usage note below.
provenance n. (Art) The history of ownership of a work of art.
PROVENANCESprovenances n. Plural of provenance.
provenances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of provenance.
PROVENANCE n. an origin, source, also PROVENIENCE.
PROVENCALESorry, definition not available.
PROVENDprovend n. Obsolete form of provand.
PROVEND n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVENDER, PROVIANT.
PROVENDERprovender n. (Dated) Food, especially for livestock.
provender v. (Transitive) To feed.
PROVENDER n. dry food for domestic animals, as hay, straw, corn, oats, also PROVAND, PROVEND, PROVIANT.
PROVENDEREDprovendered v. Simple past tense and past participle of provender.
PROVENDER v. to supply with provender.
PROVENDERINGprovendering v. Present participle of provender.
PROVENDER v. to supply with provender.
PROVENDERSprovenders n. Plural of provender.
PROVENDER v. to supply with provender.
PROVENDSprovends n. Plural of provend.
PROVEND n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVENDER, PROVIANT.
PROVENIENCEprovenience n. (Archaeology) Source; findspot; origin.
PROVENIENCE n. an origin, source, also PROVENANCE.
PROVENIENCESproveniences n. Plural of provenience.
PROVENIENCE n. an origin, source, also PROVENANCE.
PROVENLYprovenly adv. In a way that has been proven.
PROVENLY adv. without doubt.
PROVENTRICULARproventricular adj. Relating to the proventriculus.
proventricular adj. Relating to the stage in the lifecycle of some parasites when they migrate to the proventriculus or midgut.
PROVENTRICULAR adj. relating to the proventriculus, the first part of a bird's stomach.
PROVENTRICULIproventriculi n. Plural of proventriculus.
PROVENTRICULUS n. the first part of a bird's stomach, aka gizzard.
PROVENTRICULUSproventriculus n. (Zoology) The part of the avian stomach, between the crop and the gizzard, that secretes digestive enzymes.
proventriculus n. (Zoology) A similar part of the digestive system in insects and myriapods.
PROVENTRICULUS n. the first part of a bird's stomach, aka gizzard.
UNPROVENunproven adj. Not proved.
UNPROVEN adj. not proven.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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