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There are 17 words containing POTTER

PINSPOTTERpinspotter n. Synonym of pinsetter (person or machine).
PINSPOTTER n. an employee on a mechanical device that spots pins in a bowling alley, also PINSETTER.
PINSPOTTERSpinspotters n. Plural of pinspotter.
PINSPOTTER n. an employee on a mechanical device that spots pins in a bowling alley, also PINSETTER.
POTTERpotter n. One who makes pots and other ceramic wares.
potter n. One who places flowers or other plants inside their pots.
potter n. One who pots meats or other eatables.
POTTEREDpottered v. Simple past tense and past participle of potter.
POTTER v. to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner, also PUTTER.
POTTERERpotterer n. One who potters.
POTTERER n. one who potters.
POTTERERSpotterers n. Plural of potterer.
POTTERER n. one who potters.
POTTERIESpotteries n. Plural of pottery.
Potteries prop.n. (Britain) An area in the West Midlands of England based around Stoke-on-Trent, a centre of the pottery industry.
POTTERY n. articles moulded from clay and hardened by heat.
POTTERINGpottering v. Present participle of potter.
pottering n. The act of one who potters.
POTTERING adj. busying oneself with trifling tasks.
POTTERINGLYpotteringly adv. So as to potter; in a slow and aimless manner.
POTTERING adv. busying oneself with trifling tasks.
POTTERINGSpotterings n. Plural of pottering.
POTTERING n. the act of pottering.
POTTERSpotters n. Plural of potter.
Potters n. Plural of Potter.
POTTER v. to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner, also PUTTER.
POTTERYpottery n. Fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed.
pottery n. (Countable) A potter’s shop or workshop, where pottery is made.
pottery n. The potter’s craft or art: making vessels from clay.
SPOTTERspotter n. A person who observes something.
spotter n. A member of a sniper team who in addition to this function is responsible for providing additional information…
spotter n. (Weightlifting, gymnastics, climbing) One who supervises a person performing an activity, in order to…
SPOTTERSspotters n. Plural of spotter.
SPOTTER n. one who spots e.g. for artillery.
TRAINSPOTTERtrainspotter n. A person whose hobby is train spotting.
trainspotter n. (By extension) An obsessive follower of any minority interest or hobby.
train␣spotter n. (Rail transport) a person whose hobby is train spotting.
TRAINSPOTTERISHtrainspotterish adj. (Informal) Like a trainspotter; obsessively nerdy.
TRAINSPOTTERISH adj. obsessed with trivial details, esp. of a subject generally considered uninteresting.
TRAINSPOTTERStrainspotters n. Plural of trainspotter.
train␣spotters n. Plural of train spotter.
TRAINSPOTTER n. a train-watching enthusiast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 101 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 68 words
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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