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There are 11 words containing PLICAN

APPLICANTapplicant n. One who applies for something; one who makes a request; a petitioner.
applicant n. The third coordinate (or z-coordinate) in a three-dimensional coordinate system.
APPLICANT n. one who applies.
DUPLICANDduplicand n. (Scotland, law) A doubling of the duty to be paid on a feu.
DUPLICAND n. something being duplicated.
REPLICANTreplicant adj. Replicative.
replicant n. (Science fiction) A robot or artificial being that is an exact copy of a genuine lifeform, especially a human.
replicant n. (Archaic) One who replies.
APPLICANTSapplicants n. Plural of applicant.
APPLICANT n. one who applies.
DUPLICANDSduplicands n. Plural of duplicand.
DUPLICAND n. something being duplicated.
REPLICANTSreplicants n. Plural of replicant.
REPLICANT n. (in science fiction) an artificially created or cloned biological creature, esp. in human form.
SUPPLICANTsupplicant adj. Begging, pleading, supplicating.
supplicant n. One who comes to humbly ask or petition.
supplicant n. (Networking) A device attempting to authenticate itself to an 802.11 network.
SUPPLICANTSsupplicants n. Plural of supplicant.
SUPPLICANT n. one who supplicates, also SUPPLIANT.
MULTIPLICANDmultiplicand n. (Arithmetic) A number that is to be multiplied by another (the multiplier).
MULTIPLICAND n. a number or amount to be multiplied.
MULTIPLICANDSmultiplicands n. Plural of multiplicand.
MULTIPLICAND n. a number or amount to be multiplied.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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