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There are 13 words containing PHRAST

ANTIPHRASTICantiphrastic adj. (Rhetoric) of, or relating to antiphrasis.
ANTIPHRASTIC adj. involving antiphrasis, ironical, also ANTIPHRASTICAL.
ANTIPHRASTICALantiphrastical adj. (Rhetoric) Antiphrastic.
ANTIPHRASTICAL adj. (obsolete) involving antiphrasis, ironical, also ANTIPHRASTIC.
HOLOPHRASTICholophrastic adj. (Linguistics, of a sentence) Consisting of a single word, such as "Go." or "Whatever.".
holophrastic adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to the stage of development where a child produces simple one-word utterances.
HOLOPHRASTIC adj. of or like a holophrase, a single word expressing a sentence or phrase.
METAPHRASTmetaphrast n. A person who uses metaphrase to re-cast a text in a different form, for example from poetry to prose.
METAPHRAST n. one who produces a metaphrase.
METAPHRASTICmetaphrastic adj. Of, relating to, or produced using metaphrase; literal in translation.
METAPHRASTIC adj. related to metaphrasis, also METAPHRASTICAL.
METAPHRASTICALmetaphrastical adj. Alternative form of metaphrastic.
METAPHRASTICAL adj. related to metaphrasis, also METAPHRASTIC.
METAPHRASTSmetaphrasts n. Plural of metaphrast.
METAPHRAST n. one who produces a metaphrase.
PARAPHRASTparaphrast n. (Rare) someone who paraphrases.
PARAPHRAST n. a paraphraser.
PARAPHRASTICparaphrastic adj. Pertaining to a paraphrase.
paraphrastic adj. (Grammar) Of a Latin conjugation: composed of the verb sum with participial forms of the verbs conjugated…
PARAPHRASTIC adj. of the nature of a paraphrase, also PARAPHRASTICAL.
PARAPHRASTICALparaphrastical adj. Alternative form of paraphrastic.
PARAPHRASTICAL adj. of the nature of a paraphrase, also PARAPHRASTIC.
PARAPHRASTSparaphrasts n. Plural of paraphrast.
PARAPHRAST n. a paraphraser.
PERIPHRASTICperiphrastic adj. Expressed in more words than are necessary.
periphrastic adj. Indirect in naming an entity; circumlocutory.
periphrastic adj. (Grammar) Characterized by periphrasis.
PERIPHRASTICALperiphrastical adj. Alternative form of periphrastic.
PERIPHRASTICAL adj. of or like periphrasis, the use of longer phrasing in place of shorter form of expression, also PERIPHRASTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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