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There are 18 words containing PETENC

APPETENCEappetence n. The state or action of desiring or craving.
APPETENCE n. strong craving or powerful desire, also APPETENCY.
APPETENCYappetency n. Strong desire; craving; powerful instinct.
APPETENCY n. strong craving or powerful desire, also APPETENCE.
APPETENCESappetences n. Plural of appetence.
APPETENCE n. strong craving or powerful desire, also APPETENCY.
COMPETENCEcompetence n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being competent, i.e. able or suitable for a general role.
competence n. (Countable) The quality or state of being able or suitable for a particular task; the quality or state…
competence n. (Linguistics) The system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language, as opposed…
COMPETENCYcompetency n. (Obsolete) A sufficient supply (of).
competency n. (Obsolete) A sustainable income.
competency n. The ability to perform some task; competence.
APPETENCIESappetencies n. Plural of appetency.
APPETENCY n. strong craving or powerful desire, also APPETENCE.
COMPETENCEScompetences n. Plural of competence.
COMPETENCE n. the quality of being competent, also COMPETENCY.
INAPPETENCEinappetence n. A lack of appetite.
INAPPETENCE n. lack of desire or appetite, also INAPPETENCY.
INAPPETENCYinappetency n. Alternative form of inappetence.
INAPPETENCY n. lack of desire or appetite, also INAPPETENCE.
COMPETENCIEScompetencies n. Plural of competency.
COMPETENCY n. the quality of being competent, also COMPETENCE.
INAPPETENCESinappetences n. Plural of inappetence.
INAPPETENCE n. lack of desire or appetite, also INAPPETENCY.
INCOMPETENCEincompetence n. Inability to perform; lack of competence; ineptitude.
INCOMPETENCE n. the state or fact of being incompetent, also INCOMPETENCY.
INCOMPETENCYincompetency n. The condition of being incompetent.
INCOMPETENCY n. the state of being incompetent, also INCOMPETENCE.
INAPPETENCIESinappetencies n. Plural of inappetency.
INAPPETENCY n. lack of desire or appetite, also INAPPETENCE.
INCOMPETENCESincompetences n. Plural of incompetence.
INCOMPETENCE n. the state or fact of being incompetent, also INCOMPETENCY.
INCOMPETENCIESincompetencies n. Plural of incompetency.
INCOMPETENCY n. the state of being incompetent, also INCOMPETENCE.
OMNICOMPETENCEomnicompetence n. The state of being omnicompetent; the ability to do everything.
OMNICOMPETENCE n. the state of being omnicompetent.
OMNICOMPETENCESomnicompetences n. Plural of omnicompetence.
OMNICOMPETENCE n. the state of being omnicompetent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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