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There are 12 words containing PERIDO

PERIDOTperidot n. A transparent olive-green form of olivine, used as a gem.
peridot n. A yellow-green colour, like that of the peridot.
PERIDOT n. (French) a gemstone, a pale green variety of olivine, also PERIDOTE.
PERIDOTEperidote n. Archaic form of peridot.
PERIDOTE n. (French) a gemstone, a pale green variety of olivine, also PERIDOT.
PERIDOTSperidots n. Plural of peridot.
PERIDOT n. (French) a gemstone, a pale green variety of olivine, also PERIDOTE.
PERIDOTESperidotes n. Plural of peridote.
PERIDOTE n. (French) a gemstone, a pale green variety of olivine, also PERIDOT.
PERIDOTICperidotic adj. Of or relating to peridot.
PERIDOTIC adj. relating to peridot.
PERIDOTITEperidotite n. (Geology) A rock consisting of small crystals of olivine, pyroxene and hornblende; the major constituent…
PERIDOTITE n. an ultramafic igneous rock, the major constituent of the mantle.
HALOPERIDOLhaloperidol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antidepressant drug used chiefly in the treatment of psychotic conditions.
HALOPERIDOL n. a synthetic tranquillizing drug used in treating psychiatric illnesses.
PERIDOTITESperidotites n. Plural of peridotite.
PERIDOTITE n. an ultramafic igneous rock, the major constituent of the mantle.
PERIDOTITICperidotitic adj. Of or relating to the mineral peridotite.
PERIDOTITIC adj. of or like peridotite.
RISPERIDONErisperidone n. (Pharmacology) A drug that is a combined serotonin and dopamine receptor antagonist, used in the treatment…
HALOPERIDOLShaloperidols n. Plural of haloperidol.
HALOPERIDOL n. a synthetic tranquillizing drug used in treating psychiatric illnesses.
RISPERIDONESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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