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There are 14 words containing PENTAP

PENTAPODYpentapody n. (Poetry) A measure or series consisting of five feet.
PENTAPODY n. a measure or series consisting of five feet.
PENTAPLOIDpentaploid adj. (Genetics) That has five haploid sets of chromosomes.
pentaploid n. A cell or organism with five haploid sets of chromosomes.
PENTAPLOID n. a cell, organism, or form with five sets of chromosomes.
PENTAPODICPENTAPODIC adj. relating to pentapody, a measure of five feet.
PENTAPOLISpentapolis n. A geographic and/or institutional grouping of five cities.
PENTAPOLIS n. an alliance of five cities.
PENTAPRISMpentaprism n. (Photography) A five-sided prism used in the viewfinder of most single-lens reflex cameras.
PENTAPRISM n. a five-sided prism used in photography.
PENTAPLOIDSpentaploids n. Plural of pentaploid.
PENTAPLOID n. a cell, organism, or form with five sets of chromosomes.
PENTAPLOIDYpentaploidy n. The condition of being pentaploid.
PENTAPLOIDY n. the state of being pentaploid.
PENTAPODIESpentapodies n. Plural of pentapody.
PENTAPODY n. a measure or series consisting of five feet.
PENTAPRISMSpentaprisms n. Plural of pentaprism.
PENTAPRISM n. a five-sided prism used in photography.
PENTAPEPTIDEpentapeptide n. (Biochemistry) An oligopeptide formed from five amino acids.
PENTAPEPTIDE n. a polypeptide that contains five amino acid residues.
PENTAPOLISESpentapolises n. Plural of pentapolis.
PENTAPOLIS n. an alliance of five cities.
PENTAPOLITANpentapolitan adj. Relating to a pentapolis.
Pentapolitan adj. Of or relating to the ancient Pentapolis of Cyrenaica in northern Africa.
PENTAPOLITAN adj. relating to a pentapolis, an alliance of five cities.
PENTAPEPTIDESpentapeptides n. Plural of pentapeptide.
PENTAPEPTIDE n. a polypeptide that contains five amino acid residues.
PENTAPLOIDIESPENTAPLOIDY n. the state of being pentaploid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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