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There are 15 words containing PARDON

PARDONpardon n. Forgiveness for an offence.
pardon n. (Law) An order that releases a convicted criminal without further punishment, prevents future punishment…
pardon v. (Transitive) To forgive (a person).
PARDONABLEpardonable adj. Capable of being pardoned; worthy of pardon.
PARDONABLE adj. that can be pardoned.
PARDONABLENESSpardonableness n. The quality or state of being pardonable.
PARDONABLENESS n. the state of being pardonable.
PARDONABLYpardonably adv. In a pardonable manner.
PARDONABLE adv. that can be pardoned.
PARDONEDpardoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of pardon.
pardoned adj. Forgiven for wrongdoing.
PARDON v. to release from liability for an offence.
PARDONERpardoner n. One who pardons.
pardoner n. (Historical) In medieval Catholicism, a person licensed to grant papal pardons or indulgences.
PARDONER n. one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences.
PARDONERSpardoners n. Plural of pardoner.
PARDONER n. one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences.
PARDONINGpardoning v. Present participle of pardon.
pardoning n. The act by which somebody is pardoned.
PARDONING n. the act of pardoning.
PARDONINGSpardonings n. Plural of pardoning.
PARDONING n. the act of pardoning.
PARDONLESSpardonless adj. Unpardonable.
PARDONLESS adj. without a pardon.
PARDONSpardons n. Plural of pardon.
pardons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pardon.
PARDON v. to release from liability for an offence.
UNPARDONABLEunpardonable adj. Impossible to pardon; impossible to excuse or justify.
UNPARDONABLE adj. not pardonable.
UNPARDONABLYunpardonably adv. In an unpardonable manner.
UNPARDONABLE adv. not pardonable.
UNPARDONEDunpardoned adj. Not having been pardoned; unforgiven.
UNPARDONED adj. not pardoned.
UNPARDONINGunpardoning adj. That does not pardon; unforgiving.
UNPARDONING adj. not pardoning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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