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There are 12 words containing PARATO

COMPARATORcomparator n. Any device for comparing a physical property of two objects, or an object with a standard.
comparator n. An electronic device that compares two voltages, currents or streams of data.
comparator n. (Law) anything that serves comparison.
COMPARATORScomparators n. Plural of comparator.
COMPARATOR n. any device for comparing accurately, so as e.g. to detect deviations from a standard or to confirm identity.
PARATONICparatonic adj. (Medicine) Relating to paratonia.
paratonic adj. (Linguistics) Relating to paratones.
paratonic adj. Retarding a plant’s growth.
PREPARATORpreparator n. A person who prepares specimens or exhibits.
PREPARATOR n. one who prepares beforehand, as subjects for dissection, specimens for preservation in collections, etc.
PREPARATORILYpreparatorily adv. In a preparatory manner.
PREPARATORY adv. by way of preparation.
PREPARATORSpreparators n. Plural of preparator.
PREPARATOR n. one who prepares beforehand, as subjects for dissection, specimens for preservation in collections, etc.
PREPARATORYpreparatory adj. Of or pertaining to preparation, having the purpose of making something or someone ready, preparative.
PREPARATORY adj. by way of preparation.
REPARATORYreparatory adj. Relating to repair or reparation.
REPARATORY adj. related to reparation.
SEPARATORseparator n. An object located between two or more things and hence separating them.
separator n. A device for removing one substance from another, such as cream from milk.
separator n. One who separates; an agent performing the action of separating.
SEPARATORIESseparatories n. Plural of separatory.
SEPARATORY n. an instrument for separating.
SEPARATORSseparators n. Plural of separator.
SEPARATOR n. something that separates.
SEPARATORYseparatory adj. Used to separate.
separatory n. (Obsolete, chemistry) An apparatus used in separating, such as a separating funnel.
separatory n. (Obsolete, surgery) A surgical instrument for separating the pericranium from the cranium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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