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There are 13 words containing PANDEM

INTERPANDEMICinterpandemic adj. Between pandemics.
INTERPANDEMIC adj. between pandemics.
PANDEMIApandemia n. A pandemic.
PANDEMIA n. a widespread epidemic.
PANDEMIANPandemian adj. Synonym of Pandemic (“relating to Aphrodite Pandemos”).
PANDEMIAN adj. vulgar; sensual.
PANDEMIASpandemias n. Plural of pandemia.
PANDEMIA n. a widespread epidemic.
PANDEMICpandemic adj. (Epidemiology) Of a disease: epidemic over a wide geographical area and affecting a large proportion…
pandemic adj. (Usually derogatory) General, widespread.
pandemic n. (Epidemiology) A pandemic disease; a disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion…
PANDEMICSpandemics n. Plural of pandemic.
PANDEMIC n. a widespread disease.
PANDEMONIACpandemoniac adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
pandemoniac n. One who delights in pandemonium and often causes it.
pandemoniac n. Something that is characterized by pandemonium.
PANDEMONIACALpandemoniacal adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
PANDEMONIACAL adj. pertaining to pandemonium, general tumult, also PANDEMONIAC, PANDEMONIAN, PANDEMONIC.
PANDEMONIANpandemonian adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
PANDEMONIAN n. a noisy and disorderly person.
PANDEMONIANSPANDEMONIAN n. a noisy and disorderly person.
PANDEMONICpandemonic adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
PANDEMONIC adj. pertaining to pandemonium, general tumult, also PANDEMONIAC, PANDEMONIACAL, PANDEMONIAN.
PANDEMONIUMpandemonium n. A loud, wild, tumultuous protest, disorder, or chaotic situation, usually of a crowd, often violent.
pandemonium n. An outburst; loud, riotous uproar, especially of a crowd.
PANDEMONIUM n. riotous uproar, also PANDAEMONIUM.
PANDEMONIUMSpandemoniums n. Plural of pandemonium.
PANDEMONIUM n. riotous uproar, also PANDAEMONIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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