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There are 9 words containing POROC

SPOROCARPsporocarp n. (Mycology) The structure on a fungus and some algae which houses the spore-producing organs.
SPOROCARP n. a closed body or conceptacle containing one or more masses of spores or sporangia.
SPOROCYSTsporocyst n. (Biology) A cyst that develops from a sporoblast and from which sporozoites develop.
sporocyst n. A larval stage in many trematode worms.
sporocyst n. A structure in Ascosphaera fungi within which the asci form.
SPOROCYTEsporocyte n. A cell that produces haploid spores during meiosis.
SPOROCYTE n. a diploid cell that divides by meiosis to produce four haploid spores.
SPOROCARPSsporocarps n. Plural of sporocarp.
SPOROCARP n. a closed body or conceptacle containing one or more masses of spores or sporangia.
SPOROCYSTSsporocysts n. Plural of sporocyst.
SPOROCYST n. a rounded, thick-walled structure produced, as by protozoans, in the process of sporulation.
SPOROCYTESsporocytes n. Plural of sporocyte.
SPOROCYTE n. a diploid cell that divides by meiosis to produce four haploid spores.
SPOROCYSTICsporocystic adj. Relating to sporocysts.
SPOROCYSTIC adj. of or like a sporocyst.
MICROSPOROCYTEmicrosporocyte n. (Biology) A cell that produces (typically four) microspores during meiosis.
MICROSPOROCYTE n. a microspore mother cell.
MICROSPOROCYTESmicrosporocytes n. Plural of microsporocyte.
MICROSPOROCYTE n. a microspore mother cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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