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There are 12 words containing POMOR

HYPOMORPHhypomorph n. (Genetics) a mutation that causes a partial loss of gene function.
HYPOMORPH n. a mutant gene but having a similar but weaker effect than the corresponding wild-type gene.
APOMORPHIAapomorphia n. (Pharmacology) apomorphine.
APOMORPHIA n. an alkaloid prepared by dehydrating morphine, also APOMORPHINE.
HYPOMORPHShypomorphs n. Plural of hypomorph.
HYPOMORPH n. a mutant gene but having a similar but weaker effect than the corresponding wild-type gene.
APOMORPHIASAPOMORPHIA n. an alkaloid prepared by dehydrating morphine, also APOMORPHINE.
APOMORPHINEapomorphine n. (Pharmacology) A crystalline morphine derivative that is a dopamine agonist, used as an emetic and is…
APOMORPHINE n. an alkaloid prepared by dehydrating morphine, also APOMORPHIA.
HYPOMORPHIChypomorphic adj. (Genetics, of a mutation) causing a partial loss of gene function.
HYPOMORPHIC adj. of a mutation, causing a partial loss of gene function.
APOMORPHINESapomorphines n. Plural of apomorphine.
APOMORPHINE n. an alkaloid prepared by dehydrating morphine, also APOMORPHIA.
SYNAPOMORPHYsynapomorphy n. (Cladistics) A derived trait that is shared by two or more taxa of shared ancestry.
ANTHROPOMORPHanthropomorph n. A figure in ancient art resembling a human being.
anthropomorph n. An anthropomorphic character.
ANTHROPOMORPH n. a stylized human figure.
ANTHROPOMORPHSanthropomorphs n. Plural of anthropomorph.
ANTHROPOMORPH n. a stylized human figure.
SYNAPOMORPHIESsynapomorphies n. Plural of synapomorphy.
ANTHROPOMORPHICanthropomorphic adj. Having the form of a human.
anthropomorphic adj. (Of animals, inanimate objects, and non-human entities) Having attributes or characteristics of a human being.
ANTHROPOMORPHIC adj. described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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