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There are 17 words containing POLON

POLONYpolony n. A kind of sausage made of meat that has been only partly cooked.
polony n. Alternative form of palone.
polony n. (Biotechnology) A cluster of polymers produced by clonal amplification of DNA.
POLONIEPOLONIE n. (Scots) a child's polonaise, a stately Polish dance of moderate tempo.
POLONIESpolonies n. Plural of polony.
POLONY n. a kind of sausage made of meat partly cooked.
POLONISEPolonise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of Polonize.
POLONISE v. to make Polish, also POLONIZE.
POLONISMPolonism n. A word or phrase characteristic of the Polish language.
POLONISM n. a Polish idiom.
POLONIUMpolonium n. A rare, highly radioactive chemical element (symbol Po) with atomic number 84.
POLONIUM n. a rare highly radioactive metallic chemical element, present in some uranium ores.
POLONIZEPolonize v. (Transitive) To make Polish as to custom, culture, language, or style; to adapt to the norms of the…
POLONIZE v. to make Polish, also POLONISE.
POLONAISEpolonaise n. (Dance) A stately Polish dance in triple time and moderate tempo.
polonaise n. (Music) Music for this dance.
polonaise n. A woman’s dress having a tight bodice and a skirt divided to show a coloured underskirt.
POLONISEDPolonised v. Simple past tense and past participle of Polonise.
POLONISE v. to make Polish, also POLONIZE.
POLONISESPolonises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Polonise.
POLONISE v. to make Polish, also POLONIZE.
POLONISMSPolonisms n. Plural of Polonism.
POLONISM n. a Polish idiom.
POLONIUMSpoloniums n. Plural of polonium.
POLONIUM n. a rare highly radioactive metallic chemical element, present in some uranium ores.
POLONIZEDPolonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Polonize.
Polonized adj. Made Polish.
POLONIZE v. to make Polish, also POLONISE.
POLONIZESPolonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Polonize.
POLONIZE v. to make Polish, also POLONISE.
POLONAISESpolonaises n. Plural of polonaise.
polonaises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of polonaise.
POLONAISE n. (French) a stately Polish dance of moderate tempo.
POLONISINGPolonising v. Present participle of Polonise.
POLONISE v. to make Polish, also POLONIZE.
POLONIZINGPolonizing v. Present participle of Polonize.
POLONIZE v. to make Polish, also POLONISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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