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There are 14 words containing POLIA

SPOLIATEspoliate v. (Transitive, obsolete) To plunder.
spoliate v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To engage in robbery; to plunder.
SPOLIATE v. to despoil; to plunder.
POLIANITEpolianite n. (Mineralogy) manganese dioxide, occurring in hard tetragonal crystals.
POLIANITE n. manganese dioxide, occurring in tetragonal crystals nearly as hard as quartz.
SPOLIATEDspoliated v. Simple past tense and past participle of spoliate.
SPOLIATE v. to despoil; to plunder.
SPOLIATESspoliates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spoliate.
SPOLIATE v. to despoil; to plunder.
SPOLIATORspoliator n. (Obsolete) One who spoliates.
SPOLIATOR n. one who spoliates.
POLIANITESpolianites n. Plural of polianite.
POLIANITE n. manganese dioxide, occurring in tetragonal crystals nearly as hard as quartz.
SPOLIATINGspoliating v. Present participle of spoliate.
SPOLIATE v. to despoil; to plunder.
SPOLIATIONspoliation n. (Archaic) The act of plundering or spoiling; robbery.
spoliation n. Robbery or plunder in times of war; especially, the authorized act or practice of plundering neutrals at sea.
spoliation n. (Law) The intentional destruction of or tampering with (a document) in such way as to impair evidentiary effect.
SPOLIATIVEspoliative adj. Serving to take away, diminish, or rob.
SPOLIATIVE adj. tending to spoil, also SPOLIATORY.
SPOLIATORSspoliators n. Plural of spoliator.
SPOLIATOR n. one who spoliates.
SPOLIATORYspoliatory adj. Tending to spoil; destructive.
SPOLIATORY adj. tending to spoil, also SPOLIATIVE.
SPOLIATIONSspoliations n. Plural of spoliation.
SPOLIATION n. the act of pillaging and plundering.
DESPOLIATIONdespoliation n. A stripping or plundering; spoliation.
DESPOLIATION n. the act of despoiling.
DESPOLIATIONSdespoliations n. Plural of despoliation.
DESPOLIATION n. the act of despoiling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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