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There are 11 words containing PODES

ANTIPODESantipodes n. The place on the diametrically opposite side of the earth from a given point.
antipodes n. The Southern Hemisphere.
antipodes n. (UK, now rare) Australia and New Zealand.
APODESapodes n. Plural of apode.
APODE n. an animal without feet or fins, also APOD.
EPODESepodes n. Plural of epode.
EPODE n. a genre of lyric poem, in which a longer verse is followed by a shorter one.
HEMIPODEShemipodes n. Plural of hemipode.
HEMIPODE n. the button quail, also HEMIPOD.
MEGAPODESmegapodes n. Plural of megapode.
MEGAPODE n. one of a family of birds of Australasia, including jungle fowl, brush turkey, etc., also MEGAPOD.
MELAMPODESMELAMPODE n. (Spenser) the black hellebore.
MONOPODESmonopodes n. Plural of monopode.
MONOPODE n. a one-footed person of fabulous Ethiopian race, with foot large enough to be a sunshade, also MONOPOD.
OCTOPODESoctopodes n. (Rare) plural of octopus.
octopodes n. (Rare) plural of octopode.
OCTOPUS n. (Greek) a nocturnal eight-armed mollusk.
PODESTApodesta n. (Historical) A chief magistrate of the Italian republics in the Middle Ages.
podesta n. A municipal office (Variously denoting a mayor, councilor, etc.) in some Italian-speaking towns.
Podesta prop.n. A surname from Italian.
PODESTASpodestas n. Plural of podesta.
Podestas prop.n. Plural of Podesta.
PODESTA n. (Italian) one of the chief magistrates of the Italian republics in the Middle Ages.
SPODESSPODE n. a fine china.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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