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There are 13 words containing PLEIO

PLEIOCENEPleiocene adj. Alternative form of Pliocene.
Pleiocene prop.n. Alternative form of Pliocene.
PLEIOCENE adj. of the Pliocene geological time period, also PLIOCENE.
PLEIOMERYpleiomery n. The condition of being pleiomeric.
PLEIOMERY n. the state of being pleiomerous, having more than the normal number of parts.
PLEIOTAXYPLEIOTAXY n. an increase in the whorls of a flower.
PLEIOTROPYpleiotropy n. (Genetics) The influence of a single gene on multiple phenotypic traits; pleiotropism.
pleiotropy n. (Pharmacology) The existence of drug effects other than the one for which the drug was designed; usually…
PLEIOTROPY n. the property of having an effect simultaneously on more than one characteristic of the offspring.
PLEIOCHASIApleiochasia n. Plural of pleiochasium.
PLEIOCHASIUM n. a cymose inflorescence in which each branch bears more than two lateral branches.
PLEIOMERIESPLEIOMERY n. the state of being pleiomerous, having more than the normal number of parts.
PLEIOMEROUSpleiomerous adj. (Botany, of a flower) having a greater than normal number of parts.
PLEIOMEROUS adj. of a floral whorl, having more than the normal number of parts.
PLEIOTAXIESPLEIOTAXY n. an increase in the whorls of a flower.
PLEIOTROPICpleiotropic adj. Of or pertaining to pleiotropy.
PLEIOTROPIC adj. of a gene, having an effect simultaneously on more than one character in the offspring.
PLEIOCHASIUMpleiochasium n. (Botany) An inflorescence in which several buds come out at the same time.
PLEIOCHASIUM n. a cymose inflorescence in which each branch bears more than two lateral branches.
PLEIOTROPIESpleiotropies n. Plural of pleiotropy.
PLEIOTROPY n. the property of having an effect simultaneously on more than one characteristic of the offspring.
PLEIOTROPISMpleiotropism n. (Genetics) pleiotropy.
PLEIOTROPISM n. the state of being pleiotropic, having an effect simultaneously on more than one character in the offspring.
PLEIOTROPISMSpleiotropisms n. Plural of pleiotropism.
PLEIOTROPISM n. the state of being pleiotropic, having an effect simultaneously on more than one character in the offspring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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