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There are 14 words containing PILIN

PILINGpiling n. A structural support comprising a length of wood, steel, or other construction material.
piling n. The act of heaping up.
piling n. (Ironworking) The process of building up, heating, and working fagots or piles to form bars, etc.
PILINGSpilings n. Plural of piling.
PILING n. a structure of building supports.
PILINUTpili␣nut n. The edible seed of Canarium ovatum, a tree native to the maritime tropics from the edge of Southeast…
PILINUT n. the nut of trees of the burseraceous genus, also PILI.
SPILINGspiling v. Present participle of spile.
spiling n. A spile; a post or girder.
spiling n. (Nautical) The edge-curve of a plank or of a strake in a vessel’s hull.
PILINUTSpili␣nuts n. Plural of pili nut.
PILINUT n. the nut of trees of the burseraceous genus, also PILI.
SPILINGSspilings n. (Archaic) The dimensions of the twist or curvature of a plank, measured from the edge of a batten or rule-staff.
SPILING n. the act of stopping with a spile.
UNPILINGunpiling v. Present participle of unpile.
UNPILE v. to disentangle from a pile.
UPPILINGuppiling v. Present participle of uppile.
UPPILE v. to pile up.
COMPILINGcompiling v. Present participle of compile.
COMPILE v. to collect into a volume.
NEOPILINANeopilina prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Neopilinidae – modern monoplacophorans.
NEOPILINA n. a mollusc of the genus Neopilina.
NEOPILINASNEOPILINA n. a mollusc of the genus Neopilina.
RECOMPILINGrecompiling v. Present participle of recompile.
RECOMPILE v. to compile again.
STOCKPILINGstockpiling v. Present participle of stockpile.
stockpiling n. The process of building up a stockpile.
STOCKPILING n. the creation of a reserve supply.
STOCKPILINGSstockpilings n. Plural of stockpiling.
STOCKPILING n. the creation of a reserve supply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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