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There are 9 words containing PICON

EPICONDYLEepicondyle n. (Anatomy) A protuberance above the condyle of a bone to which ligaments or tendons are attached.
EPICONDYLE n. a projection on the inner side of the distal end of the humerus.
EPICONDYLESepicondyles n. Plural of epicondyle.
EPICONDYLE n. a projection on the inner side of the distal end of the humerus.
EPICONDYLITISepicondylitis n. (Medicine) General inflammation of the elbow or knee.
EPICONDYLITIS n. inflammation of the epicondyle.
EPICONDYLITISESEPICONDYLITIS n. inflammation of the epicondyle.
EPICONTINENTALepicontinental adj. Located on a continental shelf.
EPICONTINENTAL adj. denoting a shallow sea that forms over a continental shelf.
PICONGpicong n. (Caribbean) A kind of informal banter, often lightly pejorative but rarely mean-spirited, strongly associated…
PICONG n. (Caribbean) a teasing satire in a song.
PICONGSPICONG n. (Caribbean) a teasing satire in a song.
SALPICONsalpicon n. A type of stuffing of cooked, diced ingredients with a sauce, used especially for veal.
SALPICON n. (French) a dish comprising game, fish, poultry, truffles etc. in sauce.
SALPICONSsalpicons n. Plural of salpicon.
SALPICON n. (French) a dish comprising game, fish, poultry, truffles etc. in sauce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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