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There are 8 words containing PASTR

PASTRYpastry n. (Countable) A baked food item made from flour and fat pastes such as pie crust; also tarts, bear claws…
pastry n. (Uncountable) The food group formed by the various kinds of pastries.
pastry n. (Uncountable) The type of light flour-based dough used in pastries.
PASTRAMIpastrami n. A seasoned smoked cut of beef. Traditionally, this is made from a navel cut.
PASTRAMI n. (Yiddish) a highly seasoned smoked beef, also PASTROMI.
PASTRIESpastries n. Plural of pastry.
PASTRY n. articles made of dough.
PASTROMIpastromi n. Dated form of pastrami.
PASTROMI n. (Yiddish) a highly seasoned smoked beef, also PASTRAMI.
PASTRAMISpastramis n. Plural of pastrami.
PASTRAMI n. (Yiddish) a highly seasoned smoked beef, also PASTROMI.
PASTROMISpastromis n. Plural of pastromi.
PASTROMI n. (Yiddish) a highly seasoned smoked beef, also PASTRAMI.
PASTRYCOOKpastrycook n. A cook who makes desserts and pastries.
pastry␣cook n. Synonym of pastry chef.
PASTRYCOOK n. a maker or seller of pastry.
PASTRYCOOKSpastrycooks n. Plural of pastrycook.
pastry␣cooks n. Plural of pastry cook.
PASTRYCOOK n. a maker or seller of pastry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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