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There are 20 words containing PALMA

PALMARpalmar adj. (Anatomy, not comparable) Of or pertaining to the palm of the hand or comparable appendage.
palmar adj. (Anatomy and medicine) In the direction of the palm.
palmar adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the underside of the wings of birds.
PALMARYpalmary adj. Worthy of the palm; preeminent; superior.
palmary adj. Principal; chief.
palmary adj. (Anatomy) Palmar.
PALMATEpalmate adj. (Chiefly botany) Having three or more lobes or veins arising from a common point.
palmate adj. (Botany) (leaves) Having more than three leaflets arising from a common point, often in the form of a fan.
palmate adj. (Rare) Having webbed appendage; palmated.
PALMATEDpalmated adj. (Ornithology, zoology) Having digits connected by a thin membrane; webbed.
palmated adj. (Zoology) Having broad, flattened parts with short extensions similar to a webbed appendage.
palmated adj. (Rare) palmate.
PALMARIANpalmarian adj. (Archaic, formal) palmary; superior.
PALMARIAN adj. worthy of the ceremonial palm; preeminent, also PALMARY.
PALMATELYpalmately adv. In a palmate fashion.
PALMATE adv. resembling an open hand, also PALMATED.
PALMATIONpalmation n. (Uncountable) The quality of being palmate.
palmation n. (Countable) A palmate structure.
PALMATION n. all or part of a palmate structure.
PALMACEOUSpalmaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to palms; of the nature of, or resembling, palms.
PALMACEOUS adj. of or pertaining to palms.
PALMATIFIDpalmatifid adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having lobes with incisions that extend less than half-way toward the petiole.
PALMATIFID adj. shaped like the hand, with the divisions extending about halfway down.
PALMATIONSpalmations n. Plural of palmation.
PALMATION n. all or part of a palmate structure.
PALMATISECTpalmatisect adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having lobes with incisions that extend almost up, but not quite to the petiole.
PALMATISECT adj. deeply cut in a palmate manner.
SEMIPALMATEsemipalmate adj. Semipalmated.
SEMIPALMATE adj. partly webfooted, also SEMIPALMATED.
TOTIPALMATEtotipalmate adj. (Zoology) Having all four toes united by a web, as in the pelican.
TOTIPALMATE adj. having webbing between each toe, as in pelicans and gannets.
FISSIPALMATEFISSIPALMATE adj. of some birds' feet, partially webbed, having lobes and fringes on separate toes.
SEMIPALMATEDsemipalmated adj. Having webs between some, but not all, of the toes.
SEMIPALMATED adj. having the toes joined only part way down with a web, also SEMIPALMATE.
SEMIPALMATIONsemipalmation n. The property of being semipalmated.
SEMIPALMATION n. the state of being semipalmate, partly webfooted.
TOTIPALMATIONtotipalmation n. (Zoology) The quality of being totipalmate.
TOTIPALMATION n. the state of being totipalmate, having webbing between each toe.
PALMATIPARTITEpalmatipartite adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having lobes with incisions that extend over half-way toward the petiole.
PALMATIPARTITE adj. palmately divided rather more than halfway.
SEMIPALMATIONSSEMIPALMATION n. the state of being semipalmate, partly webfooted.
TOTIPALMATIONSTOTIPALMATION n. the state of being totipalmate, having webbing between each toe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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