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There are 7 nine-letter words containing POLIS

ACROPOLISacropolis n. A promontory (usually fortified with a citadel) forming the hub of many Grecian cities, and around which…
Acropolis prop.n. The Athenian Acropolis. (Compare acropolis.)
ACROPOLIS n. (Greek) a citadel, esp. that of Athens.
DUOPOLISTduopolist n. A member of a duopoly.
DUOPOLIST n. a member of a duopoly, a situation in which two companies etc are the only suppliers in a particular market.
EPIPOLISMepipolism n. (Obsolete) fluorescence.
EPIPOLISM n. fluorescence.
IDEOPOLISideopolis n. A city or region characterized by its knowledge and ideas.
IDEOPOLIS n. a city that is sustained primarily by intellectual enterprises such as education, the media, advertising and design, with a highly educated workforce.
MENOPOLISMENOPOLIS n. (colloquial) an area with a high proportion of single men.
POLISHERSpolishers n. Plural of polisher.
POLISHER n. one who polishes.
POLISHINGpolishing v. Present participle of polish.
polishing n. The action of the verb to polish.
polishing n. (Usually in the plural) An extract of partially milled rice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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