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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing PLETI

APPLETINIappletini n. A cocktail of vodka and either apple juice, apple cider, or apple liqueur.
APPLETINI n. a cocktail made with vodka and apple juice.
DEPLETINGdepleting v. Present participle of deplete.
DEPLETE v. to lessen the supply of.
DEPLETIONdepletion n. The act of depleting, or the state of being depleted; exhaustion.
depletion n. The consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished.
depletion n. (Medicine, archaic) The act of relieving congestion or plethora, by purging, blood-letting, or reduction…
DEPLETIVEdepletive adj. Causing depletion.
depletive n. Any substance used to deplete.
DEPLETIVE adj. serving to deplete, also DEPLETORY.
EXPLETIVEexpletive adj. Serving to fill up, merely for effect, otherwise redundant.
expletive adj. Marked by expletives (phrase-fillers).
expletive n. A profane, vulgar term, notably a curse or obscene oath.
IMPLETINGimpleting v. Present participle of implete.
IMPLETE v. (archaic) to fill.
IMPLETIONimpletion n. An act of filling; the state of being full.
impletion n. A substance which fills, a filling.
IMPLETION n. filling, fullness.
REPLETINGrepleting v. Present participle of replete.
REPLETE v. to fill completely.
REPLETIONrepletion n. The condition of being replete; fullness.
repletion n. (Medicine, archaic) Plethora of the blood.
REPLETION n. the state of being replete.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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