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There are 10 nine-letter words containing PERFE

IMPERFECTimperfect adj. Not perfect.
imperfect adj. (Botany) unisexual: having either male (with stamens) or female (with pistil) flowers, but not with both.
imperfect adj. (Taxonomy) known or expected to be polyphyletic, as of a form taxon.
PERFECTASperfectas n. Plural of perfecta.
PERFECTA n. (Spanish) a form of bet in which the punter has to select and place in order the first two horses, dogs etc.
PERFECTEDperfected v. Simple past tense and past participle of perfect.
PERFECT v. to make faultless.
PERFECTERperfecter adj. Comparative form of perfect: more perfect.
perfecter n. A person who perfects something.
PERFECTER n. a person who or thing which perfects something.
PERFECTLYperfectly adv. With perfection.
perfectly adv. Wholly, completely, totally.
PERFECT adv. lacking in fault or defect.
PERFECTORperfector n. One who perfects.
PERFECTOR n. a machine for perfecting, printing both sides at once.
PERFECTOSperfectos n. Plural of perfecto.
Perfectos prop.n. Plural of Perfecto.
PERFECTO n. (Spanish) a large tapering cigar.
PERFERVIDperfervid adj. Extremely, excessively, or feverishly passionate; zealous.
PERFERVID adj. extremely or excessively passionate.
PERFERVORPERFERVOR n. a state of great fervour, also PERFERVOUR.
UNPERFECTunperfect adj. Imperfect.
unperfect v. (Transitive) To mar or destroy the perfection of.
UNPERFECT adj. not perfect, also IMPERFECT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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